• By Paul S.
  • 04/30/2024

Humanizing Texts

During their careers as proofreaders, editors, and humanizers, the experts at Editly have become masters of the art of humanizing AI text. In the series, “How to Humanize AI Text,” they draw on their experience to offer you insights into how to humanize an AI text. In this post, we dive straight into the heart of the matter by investigating a question of daily concern—“How to Humanize Texts?”.


ChatGPT Text Response to “How to Humanize Texts?”

Humanizing text—making it resonate more naturally and engagingly with readers—involves several key strategies to enhance its readability, relatability, and emotional depth. Here’s how you can effectively humanize your texts:


1. Adopt a Conversational Tone

  • Use Natural Language: Employ everyday speech patterns, including contractions ("you're," "can't"), colloquial expressions, and informal phrasing that mimics natural conversation.
  • Keep it Simple: Avoid complex jargon and technical terms unless necessary. Opt for clear, straightforward language that is easy to understand.

2. Inject Personality and Voice

  • Establish a Distinct Voice: Choose a consistent tone that reflects a unique personality or style. Whether it's friendly, humorous, professional, or empathetic, a distinct voice helps connect with readers.
  • Use Personal Pronouns: Integrate first-person ("I," "we") and second-person ("you") pronouns to create a more direct and engaging dialogue with readers.

3. Vary Sentence Structure

  • Mix Sentence Lengths: Use a combination of short and long sentences to create a rhythmic flow, making the text more lively and interesting.
  • Employ Different Structures: Intersperse simple sentences with compound and complex sentences to keep the narrative dynamic and engaging.

4. Express Emotions

  • Reflect Emotions Appropriately: Depending on the context, infuse the text with emotional language that aligns with the content’s tone and message.
  • Show Empathy: Understand and address the reader’s potential feelings or concerns, especially in more sensitive or impactful discussions.

5. Enhance Descriptiveness

  • Use Sensory Details: Describe things using language that appeals to the senses—sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste. This can make descriptions more vivid and immersive.
  • Incorporate Metaphors and Similes: These can add depth and creativity to your writing, helping to explain and embellish concepts more effectively.

6. Engage the Reader

  • Ask Questions: Incorporate questions that provoke thought or solicit feedback, making the reader feel part of a conversation.
  • Invite Interaction: Encourage readers to engage further, whether through comments, sharing their experiences, or exploring related topics.

7. Proofread for Naturalness

  • Read Aloud: Reading your text aloud can help catch phrases that sound unnatural or forced, allowing you to adjust them for a smoother flow.
  • Edit for Clarity and Flow: Ensure the text transitions smoothly from one idea to another and that each point is clearly articulated.

8. Seek External Feedback

  • Get Reviews: Having others read and critique your text can provide valuable insights into how it resonates with different people and highlight areas for improvement.


By implementing these strategies, you can humanize your texts effectively, making them more engaging and enjoyable to read. This not only improves the reader’s experience but also strengthens the connection between the text and its audience. (423 words)


Human Rewrite of the ChatGPT Text

Humanizing text involves several key strategies to enhance its readability, relatability, and emotional depth. These include:


1. Adopt a Conversational Tone

  • Use Natural Language: Employ natural speech patterns, including contractions ("you're," "can't"), colloquial expressions, and informal phrasing.
  • Keep it Simple: Avoid complex jargon and technical terms in favor of clear, straightforward language.

2. Inject Personality and Voice

  • Establish a Distinct Voice: Choose a consistent tone that reflects a unique personality or style to help connect with readers.
  • Use Personal Pronouns: Create more direct, engaging dialogue with readers by integrating first- ("I," "we") and second-person ("you") pronouns.

3. Vary Sentence Structure

  • Mix Sentence Lengths: Combine short and long sentences to make text livelier and more interesting.
  • Employ Different Structures: Intersperse simple sentences with complex sentences to ensure narrative dynamism and engagement.

4. Express Emotions

  • Reflect Emotions: Infuse the text with emotional language that aligns with the content’s tone and message.
  • Show Empathy: When appropriate, address the reader’s potential feelings or concerns.

5. Enhance Descriptiveness

  • Use Sensory Details: To enhance vividness and immersion, employ descriptive language that appeals to the senses.
  • Incorporate Metaphors and Similes: These can help explain more effectively by adding depth and creativity.

6. Engage the Reader

  • Ask Questions: To engage readers, incorporate questions that provoke thought or solicit feedback.
  • Invite Interaction: Encourage readers to comment, share their experiences, or explore related topics.

7. Proofread for Naturalness

  • Read Aloud: Reading your text aloud can help catch phrases that sound unnatural or forced.
  • Edit for Clarity and Flow: Ensure that each point is clearly articulated and that the text transitions smoothly from one idea to another.

8. Seek External Feedback

  • Get Reviews: Having others read and critique your text can highlight areas for improvement.


By implementing these strategies, you can humanize your texts to enhance their readability and engagement. (299 words)


The AI Text vs the Humanized Text

Famed writer and part-time politician Thomas Jefferson once observed that “The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do.” Given this context, I presume that Jefferson would remain skeptical about the talent of ChatGPT. While our example is small, it is representative, as it repeats itself time and time again on its way to a full 423 words.


Conversely, our humanized text stands at only 299 words—or more than 29% shorter than the AI text. To achieve such a reduction, we hewed closely to Jefferson’s sentiment, cutting repetition and always looking for places to replace two words with one without losing meaning.


The Takeaway

You, too, can practice the above skills and become proficient at humanizing AI texts. But, if you would like an experienced helping hand, then don’t wait to get started on Editly.

Paul S.

Online editing, proofreading, and rewriting for both human and AI text. Specialties include admissions essays, academics, business, blogs, and ChatGPT to human text. Chief editor at Editly AI.